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May 1, 2024
From Jenin to London: Hanin's Journey to Recruiting for Global Giants

This episode of Al-Moolalah series, hosted by Dr. Mona Demaidi, shines a spotlight on the remarkable achievements of Palestinian women in technology. Our guest, Hanin Abu Farha, a former Tech Sourcing Recruiter for DEI at Meta, shares valuable insights and practical job search tips gleaned from her inspiring career path.

Hanin's journey exemplifies determination and a passion for technology. After graduating with a computer science degree from An-Najah National University, she embarked on a successful career at Jawwal, a prominent Palestinian telecommunications company. However, her thirst for new challenges led her to transition into tech recruiting, leveraging her technical background for a fresh perspective. For five years, Hanin thrived in the remote work environment, collaborating with esteemed companies like Upwork and PowerToFly. Then, at Meta, she champions diversity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, leading talent sourcing efforts and crafting innovative recruitment strategies. Hanin's story transcends personal achievement; it embodies a commitment to knowledge sharing and empowering others.

Beyond inspiration: actionable job search advice

Hanin dives deep into practical strategies for navigating the job market. Here are some key takeaways:

  • Targeted networking: Identify companies with potential job opportunities and actively engage with them on LinkedIn. Build connections with individuals within those companies, including department heads, HR representatives, or even prior acquaintances.
  • Tailored resumes: Craft unique resumes for each job application, highlighting the specific skills and experiences directly relevant to the advertised position and company needs.
  • Optimizing your resume for ATS systems: Ensure your resume includes all necessary information and strategically incorporates keywords from the job description to bypass Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) filters.
  • Quantify your achievements: Showcase your career accomplishments using measurable results and data whenever possible.
  • The power of networking: Cultivate a robust network by attending industry conferences and events. Connect with professionals in your field, and actively seek mentors who can offer guidance and support. Utilize platforms like LinkedIn to stay connected and build relationships.
  • The referral advantage: Seek referrals from individuals within your network who work at companies you're interested in. Your chances of getting the job are 23% better if you apply for the job with a referral.
  • Continuous learning: Never stop learning! Follow industry trends, attend training programs, and actively seek opportunities for professional development.
  • Women supporting women: As Hanin emphasizes, women in tech should empower one another. Offer support, share knowledge, and foster a collaborative environment.
  • The future of tech and the rise of AI/Machine learning: Hanin highlights the growing demand for AI and machine learning expertise, particularly among women from diverse backgrounds. This presents an exciting opportunity for aspiring professionals to develop their skills in these in-demand fields.

Remote work tips

1. Put yourself in the recruiter's shoes and ask yourself: Why should I hire someone from outside the country and leave people who are looking for work from within the country?

You need to convince the recruiter that you are the right person even if you are from outside the country, and how your cultural background will help the company. Make the answer very clear in your profile, what value will you add to the company?

2. Be aware of the time zone. For example, if you are in Palestine and want to work for a company in America, you need to know that there is a time difference and you need to be prepared for this time difference. You should also ask yourself first, is this job suitable for my lifestyle?

3. Follow the trend, read articles to know what the remote job market wants.

4. You should know that remote salaries are slightly lower than the salaries that companies offer to employees who work in that country, but they are still higher than the salaries in your country.

5. There are companies that are looking for diversity in their employees, and this diversity can have a positive impact on the product of that company and the market as well.

Therefore, companies are looking for diverse employees that make them expand their search in the global talent pool, so do not underestimate our importance as Arabs in the global labor market, there are companies that want to hire people from Arab backgrounds especially since they are also targeting the Gulf market.

Hanin Abu Farha's narrative and expert advice on job hunting offer a valuable guide for those navigating the dynamic tech sector. Her experience epitomizes resilience, continuous learning, and dedication to fostering a tech environment that is both inclusive and diverse.

Catch the complete episode on our Instagram profile.


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