من الأحلام التي كبحتها البطالة
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من الأحلام التي كبحتها البطالة
إلى عالمٍ مليءٍ بالفرص

على الرغم من  تحصيلي العلمي ومهاراتي وقدراتي، كان من الصعب علي الدخول إلى سوق العمل و إيجاد وظيفة تلبي طموحاتي

تعرف على قصة سناء
يبدو مألوفاً؟
العديد كانوا في مكانك، وواجهوا نفس التحديات التي تمر بها
الآن، ومع سجل حافل من تطوير المهارات وتوظيف المواهب الشابة، سنساعدك على تسخير إمكاناتك ورسم مسار جديد لحياتك
نحن TAP ...
منصة بناء قدرات الشباب الفلسطينية الهولندية.
تعرف على جعفر، المؤسس المشارك لـ TAP.
سواءً كنت حديث التخرج أو لديك خبرة مسبقة، سنساعدك لتكون جاهزاً للحصول على وظيفة عن بُعد.  ركائزنا الأساسية الثلاث هي:
لا تترك مستقبلك للصدفة !
استمع إلى قصة عبدالله

كنت مقتنعاً بأني قادر على دخول سوق العمل بسهولة، ولكن الأمر كان صعبًا لقلة الفرص. بعد الانضمام إلى TAP، طورت من مهاراتي و حصلت على فرصة عمل عن بُعد مع شركة ألمانية

كم يمكن أن يكون راتبك الشهري بعد برنامج تاب؟
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics بناءً على تقرير 2020 من
بناءً على الرواتب الأولية لـ 58 خريجًا من برنامج TAP (اعتبارًا من أغسطس 2023).
يتم قبول 5% فقط من المتقدمين ...

هل أنت من بين هؤلاء؟
جاهز لمستقبل أفضل؟ شارك معلوماتك
ما مدى صحة هذا بالنسبة لك؟
أستعمل قائمة المهام (to-do list) و هي أساسية لزيادة إنتاجيّتي.
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حرك للإجابة
كيف غيّر برنامج TAP حياة أكثر من 100 شاب فلسطيني؟
Oday AbuMettleq
TAP will help get your first job. They provide you with the technical and soft skills needed to land a job. Absolutly amazing experience!
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Feras Hamad
The best deal to start your tech career in Palestine! The training and the support to help you find a job in such short period of time is absolutely worth the price.
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Abdullah Tabbal
Definitively would recommend it. Mentors provide invaluable expertise, covering a wide range of technical and soft skills. Helps you gain the skills you need to build a global network of professionals and land your dream job.
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Zbaideh Anabtawi
TAP has given me the opportunity for a fresh start, they equipped me with the needed professional skills and technical ones, which led me to be hired by a SaaS Swiss company. Highly recommended training program for Palestinians.
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Ameed Abusallha
TAP has been an incredible journey that exceeded my expectations. The program provided me with invaluable insights and tools for personal and professional development. The structured approach and dedicated mentors helped me navigate challenges and achieve remarkable results. The most beneficial takeaway for me was the emphasis on building strong networks and fostering collaboration. With TAP, I accomplished significant milestones and gained a newfound confidence in my abilities. I highly recommend TAP to future participants, as it offers a transformative experience that opens doors to endless opportunities.
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Mohanad Fteha
I had a great experience interning at TAP as a backend developer. The team was always willing to help me learn and grow, and I felt like I was able to contribute to meaningful projects. I would recommend TAP as a great place to work and learn.
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Zaid Zaidan
Everything is just perfect about TAP They give a integrated program trainings They build your career from zero and stay with you until you get your dream job I advice everyone to join TAP to start building their careers
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Muhammad Alabadsa
What sets TAP apart is its unwavering commitment to its trainees. They go above and beyond, building careers from scratch and standing by each individual until they secure their dream job. This level of dedication is truly commendable and something I have rarely witnessed elsewhere. TAP is undeniably one of the best programs for anyone looking to build a successful tech career. The resources they provide, along with the extensive network they offer, are unparalleled. The level of care and support they extend to their trainees is remarkable, making the journey not only educational but also deeply fulfilling. If you're seeking your first job, TAP is your ultimate ally. They provide comprehensive training in both technical and soft skills, equipping you with the necessary tools to land your desired position. The experience I had with TAP was truly amazing.
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Ameed Abusallha
TAP has been an incredible journey that exceeded my expectations. The program provided me with invaluable insights and tools for personal and professional development. The structured approach and dedicated mentors helped me navigate challenges and achieve remarkable results. The most beneficial takeaway for me was the emphasis on building strong networks and fostering collaboration. With TAP, I accomplished significant milestones and gained a newfound confidence in my abilities. I highly recommend TAP to future participants, as it offers a transformative experience that opens doors to endless opportunities.
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Muhammad Alabadsa
What sets TAP apart is its unwavering commitment to its trainees. They go above and beyond, building careers from scratch and standing by each individual until they secure their dream job. This level of dedication is truly commendable and something I have rarely witnessed elsewhere. TAP is undeniably one of the best programs for anyone looking to build a successful tech career. The resources they provide, along with the extensive network they offer, are unparalleled. The level of care and support they extend to their trainees is remarkable, making the journey not only educational but also deeply fulfilling. If you're seeking your first job, TAP is your ultimate ally. They provide comprehensive training in both technical and soft skills, equipping you with the necessary tools to land your desired position. The experience I had with TAP was truly amazing.
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Zbaideh Anabtawi
TAP has given me the opportunity for a fresh start, they equipped me with the needed professional skills and technical ones, which led me to be hired by a SaaS Swiss company. Highly recommended training program for Palestinians.
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Oday AbuMettleq
TAP will help get your first job. They provide you with the technical and soft skills needed to land a job. Absolutly amazing experience!
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Mohanad Fteha
I had a great experience interning at TAP as a backend developer. The team was always willing to help me learn and grow, and I felt like I was able to contribute to meaningful projects. I would recommend TAP as a great place to work and learn.
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Zaid Zaidan
Everything is just perfect about TAP They give a integrated program trainings They build your career from zero and stay with you until you get your dream job I advice everyone to join TAP to start building their careers
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Abdullah Tabbal
Definitively would recommend it. Mentors provide invaluable expertise, covering a wide range of technical and soft skills. Helps you gain the skills you need to build a global network of professionals and land your dream job.
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Feras Hamad
The best deal to start your tech career in Palestine! The training and the support to help you find a job in such short period of time is absolutely worth the price.
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هل أنت مستعدٌ للارتقاء بحياتك المهنية إلى المستوى التالي؟
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